Share Options: Setting additional parameters when sharing/exporting files

When you export or share photos and videos from ProCamera using the iOS Share button, ProCamera offers an additional menu on top of the share sheet that allows you to customize the files you share. Note that these custom adjustments only affect the files you share – your original files saved on your device are not altered when using the Share options menu. This article will show you how to access this menu and how to dial in specific sharing parameters. 

How to access Share Options menu:

There are two ways to open the Share Options menu:

Option 1. Tap the Share button (arrow up icon) to open the system's share menu. Above the share menu you will find a small, additional box. Tap it to open ProCamera's sharing options. 

Option 2. Tap and hold the Share button and ProCamera's Share Options menu will open automatically.


Adjustable parameters in the Share Options menu:

  • Size: You can choose to share a file (or multiple files) in its original size or share smaller, mobile-friendly versions.
  • Convert to JPEG: You can choose to convert images of any format (HEIC, TIFF, RAW, ProRAW, PNG) to JPEG when sharing.
  • Remove geo tag: Activate this option to share files without any embedded geo information.
  • All versions: Enable this option to share all available file versions if multiple image versions are saved under one entry. Situations where the app saves different image versions under a single entry are described here.

To confirm your adjustments, tap the Next button.

The share/export preferences (size, convert to JPEG, remove geotag, all versions) are saved for your convenience. However, to apply these adjustments when exporting files at a later time, you need to open the Share Options menu and tap the Next button. In other words, to use your sharing preferences, you need to open the Share Options menu and confirm.

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Note that if you don't configure custom share parameters, images will be shared in their original file format and size along with any existing geotags. Photos and video taken in ProCamera will only have geotags if Settings > General Options > Geo-Tagging is enabled.





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